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There's no way to prepare for the emotional changes that are to come, but parents-to-be can get organized. "Baby Lists" leaves the pregnancy and parenting advice to other books, and cuts right to the chase. This user-friendly guide tells expectant parents exactly what to do - and what to buy - as they get ready for baby. Packed with lists and helpful questionnaires, "Baby Lists" offers all the practical information parents need. From what to ask on the hospital tour to how to select and shop for layette items to how to interview and choose a pediatrician, "Baby Lists" has got Mum and Dad covered.
Elaine Farber is a newborn consultant and a mother of three who has coached hundreds of families through early parenting. She has worked in hospital nurseries, run a daycare center, provided consultation to expectant parents, and nannied for families with newborns (90 percent of whom were multiples) for more than 25 years.

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